Selangor Public Library Corporation and Türkiye Basim Yayin Meslek Birligi Agree to Collaborate
Selangor Public Library Corporation and Türkiye Basim Yayin Meslek Birligi agree to collaborate for fellowship programmes by both parties
Another milestone achieved for Selangor State today when Selangor Public Library Corporation managed to get Türkiye Basim Yayin Meslek Birligi (TBYM) on-board to collaborate on fellowship programmes at the Frankfurt Book Fair (Frankfurter Buchmesse). The collaboration will be one of the early steps to have international participants in Selangor International Book Fair 2022.
Among the highlights in the collaboration is that both parties will promote each other’s fellowship programme. Türkiye Basim Yayin Meslek Birligi, also known as Turkish Press and Publishers Copyright and Licencing Society, began their fellowship programme since 2016 with 17 fellows from 14 countries. Their latest reach in 2022 has seen 555 fellows from 72 countries.
“This is our first time in many things. When we found out that Türkiye has years of experience in organizing fellowship programme that began since 2016, we are so excited when the National Book Council did the matchmaking for us,” said Mastura, Director of Selangor Public Library Corporation, after signing the letter of intent with Emrah Kisakürek, Head of Coordination Committee of Istanbul Publishing Fellowship Program.
“The fellowship programme aims to open more opportunities for the community especially the people of Selangor to explore the potential in creative writing in international market. When Selangor Chief Minister Dato’ Seri Amiruddin Shari emphasizes that no one is left behind in Selangor’s education policies, the importance of this becomes even more obvious,” added Mastura.
Meanwhile, the application for Selangor International Fellowship Programme will be open soon around October-November 2022.
Besides the fellowship programmes, both parties have also agreed to explore the potential of collaboration in writing, education and training to uplift the book industry and other related fields.